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Improve your knowledge and practice around speech & language and help your children in the classroom. All of our training courses have been developed from the experiences gained delivering sessions to schools and other settings. Our courses share our expertise and provide practical, evidence-based solutions to support children's communication skills.

Our training includes...

Intervention Training

Training to introduce our language interventions, helping you gain an understanding of how they run and how to get the best use of them.

Speech & Language Introduction

Introductory training around the basics of speech & language, why it's important and how it affects a child's education and life.

Professional Development

Developed for a more specific audience, this training is based around practical ideas to implement in your setting.

Bespoke Training

Our bespoke training is developed around your specific priorities and can be delivered in-person or online. Get in touch to discuss your training needs.

Online Class

Online Membership

To access our Intervention, Introductory and Professional Development Training sign up to our monthly online membership.


Register your interest

Want to find out more about our Training? Leave your name and email and we'll be in touch.

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